Antioch Area Healthcare
Accessibility Alliance
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Improving health one neighbor at a time.
874 Main Street
Antioch, Illinois 60002
(847) 395-2809
AAHAA is a local charity funded through gifts from people like you. We rely on the generosity of our community so we can provide life changing services that improve the lives and health of our neighbors. Make your gift to AAHAA today!
We couldn't do what we do without your support. All donations are appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
​AAHAA welcomes volunteers who are interested in supporting our work in a variety of ways:
We need volunteer drivers to take our community residents to their medical appointments.
Can you volunteer some of your time to help someone who needs a ride to the doctor and offer a bit of companionship
as you spend the time with them?
It will make a world of difference!
We need volunteers to promote AAHAA throughout Antioch, Lake Villa, and Grant Townships.
Your people skills will show AAHAA at it's finest and you will provide education about all of our services. You choose the hours when you can help.
AAHAA hosts yearly events that help raise money so we can bring our much needed services to our community. We always need extra hands for these events.
If you want to help out but have limited time, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.
Help AAHAA bring services to more community members by networking with local business leaders.